ACM Multimedia Asia 2021 has announced the winners of Best Paper Awards and PhD Lightning Talks Competition.
Asia 2021
Hybrid • Gold Coast, Australia
1 - 3 December, 2021

Welcome to ACM MMAsia 2021!
The ACM Multimedia Asia, puts together the long-lasting experience of former PCM and ICIMCS, which both have good history as well as attending experiences. It is a newly established international conference to showcase the scientific achievements and industrial innovations in the multimedia field. Its mission is to illuminate the state of the art in multimedia computing by bringing together researchers and practitioners in this field.
ACM MM Asia 2021 will be held from 1 to 3 December, 2021 in Gold Coast, Australia. It will be held in a hybrid mode by offering both online and offline events. A live in-person conference with virtual online component will be enabled.
Australia domestic researchers are welcome to attend the conference in Gold Coast to have face-to-face communications alongside enjoying one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
A Twin-City (Gold Coast/Shenzhen) PhD school will be held jointly. This brand new session targets research students and early career researchers interested in exploring emerging research topics in Multimedia. It also provides strategies on how to approach PhD study, opportunities to communicate with internationally renowned researchers face-to-face and platforms for social networking.
The conference will promote women in technology through a series of activities.
You can view the PDF version of the ACM Multimedia Asia 2021 flyer here.
Latest News
Awards11 February, 2022 Map of Virtual Rooms in Gather.Town29 November, 2021 The map of virtual rooms in Gather.Town.
Q&A Guidelines28 November, 2021 To provide a better Q&A experience for every attendance, we would like to introduce the Q&A guidelines for presenters and audience respectively.
PhD School26 November, 2021 A live in-person PhD School with an online-broadcasting component will be enabled on Day 3.
Women in Multimedia Roundtable25 November, 2021 ACM Multimedia Asia 2021 is advocating for a better engagement and involvement of female researchers in all sorts of activities in Multimedia Asia and beyond.
Program at a Glance16 November, 2021 Program Schedule is available now.
Registration Information15 November, 2021 The deadline for EARLY BIRD Registration has been postponed.
Conference Keynotes14 November, 2021 ACM MM Asia Conference Keynotes have been updated. More details will be published later.
How to access Gather.Town12 November, 2021 A tutorial for attending the conference on Gather.Town is available.
Presentation Guidelines11 November, 2021 To provide a better experience for every attendance, we would like to introduce the presentation guidelines for presenters, session chairs, and audience respectively.
Call for Workshop Papers12 October, 2021 The important dates for Workshop, Multi-Modal Embedding and Understanding, have been updated.
Student Travel Grants9 October, 2021 SIGMM Student Travel Awards applications are open now! SIGMM is sponsoring Student Travel Awards for ACMMM Asia 2021 to allow attendees to avail of financial support to participate in this event. To enable more students to be benefited from attending ACMMM Asia, students don't have to have a paper at the conference to apply for a SIGMM travel award. Applications are opening from Oct 4, 2021, to Nov 5, 2021.
Carer Awards9 October, 2021 SIGMM is sponsoring Carer Awards for ACMMM Asia 2021 to allow attendees to avail financial support to engage more fully with the event online. Students from all over the world are invited to consider applying to the Carer Award. Applications are opening from Oct 4, 2021, to Nov 5, 2021. Please click here for more details.
Sponsorship6 October, 2021 The Organising Committee for the 2021 ACM Multimedia Asia warmly invites you to become a sponsor of the conference to be held at Gold Coast, Australia on December 1st to 3rd 2021.
Call for Brave New Ideas29 September, 2021 The submission deadline for Brave New Ideas Papers has been postponed to 3 October, 2021.
Call for Short Papers25 August, 2021 The submission deadline for Short Papers has been postponed to 7 September, 2021.
Call for Demo Papers25 August, 2021 The submission deadline for Demo Papers has been postponed to 7 September, 2021.
Call for Applied Research Track Papers25 August, 2021 ACM Multimedia Asia 2021 invites the submission of research papers presenting novel theoretical and algorithmic solutions addressing problems across the domain of multimedia and related applications.
Multimedia Grand Challenges7 August, 2021 A new challenge "Multi-modal Video Understanding in a Noisy Environment" has been released.
Organisation31 May, 2021 The list of ACM MMAsia 2021 key organisers has been released.